In computing we have been programming Beebots. Lots of wonderful photos are in the photo gallery.
Today Year 1 began their new history topic CHANGES WITHIN LIVING MEMORY by sharing their toys. Finlay brought in a wonderful game of shove ha'penny which belonged to his great great grandfather and was over 100 years old. There are plenty of photos in our photo gallery.
Happy New Year. Planner designs.
Just a reminder that if you have designed a planner cover, to bring it in. Here is one that Imogen has done.
PTA Christmas Party
Year 1 have had an awesome day. A huge thanks to the PTA for all their wonderful organisation today. The children had a wonderful time. Please check out the photo gallery.
And an equally huge thank you to the children for their fabulous fundraising.
We had great festive fun wearing Christmas jumpers and completing the reindeer run. Loads of photos are on the photo page.
Elm class are so excited to invite parents and carers in tomorrow and Thursday for the Bethlehem Bake Off. Here are a few sneaky pictures from this afternoon's dress rehearsal.
Elm class had their first visit from Halle today.
This is the moment that Elm Class found out that they had won the 2024 challenge. We are very excited about our party next week.
In maths we are learning our number bonds to 10.
Year 1 have visited the church for their RE lesson. We enjoyed learning about advent with Reverend Jane.
Harry has made this wonderful Nativity scene. It looks great on our RE display.
Year 1 Computing
Today, Year 1 went to the computer room. We created art inspired by Wassily Kandinsky. Please check out our wonderful designs in the photo gallery.
The Christmas Fair
It was wonderful to see so may Year 1 children enjoying themselves on Saturday, photos are on the photo page. A huge thank you also to all the Year 1 parents and the PTA who made the whole event memorable
12.11.24 Odd Socks Day
The children looked fantastic in their odd socks yesterday and we had a very informative anti-bullying assembly led by Miss Jones. Check out our photo page.
In computing today, Year 1 looked at the art of Piet Mondrian. We have great fun recreating this using the Paintz programme.
Today, Year 1 had a fabulous time trying out hockey with the Maidenhead magpies. Photos are in the gallery.
The Year 1 timetable is now on the class page for your information.
On Friday, Year 1 begun a very exciting DT unit of work called Moving Pictures. Check out our photos on the class page.
Remembrance Day
Year 1 attended our Remembrance Day service today. Our school council reps, Evie and Sebby, laid a wreath.
As part of our work on seasons we have been outside to see seasonal changes around Taplow in the Autumn. We completed a treasure hunt and identified different leaves.
Plenty more photos on the photo page.
We have had a very busy week of learning. In maths we have been using our number skills to compare numbers and have learnt all about the signs > < and =. We have been enjoying Beegu in English. Beegu has come from another planet and his mummy is missing him. We have created 'Lost' posters to help his mummy find him using lots and lots of awesome adjectives. We have learnt about Asia in geography and made fact files about this continent. And we have been having great fun with clay in art, learning different techniques. Check out the art gallery and the photos page.
Congratulations to this week's headteacher award recipients, Evie H, Megan and Bailey.
16.9.24 Our class representatives
We are excited to announce the appointment of some of the Year 1 children to roles of responsibility.
Representing the class on the school council are Evie H and Sebby.
Our eco council representatives are Myla and Albie.
Our class ambassadors are Hannah and Bailey.
Good luck to all these 6 children who will be amazing.
16.9.24 Meet Oscar Bear
Oscar bear lives in Year 1. He helps the children learn about seasonal changes in science. He loves a sleep over. Every week he picks a child to go home with for a sleep over. He then helps the child think about the weather. He has already been a very busy bear and has visited the homes of Hannah, Sebby and Imogen. He has already had some wonderful adventures and is excited about visiting more homes.
Welcome to Year 1
Although we have only been in school 3 days, we have had a terrific time. I have been very impressed with the way all children have settled into Year 1. We have started our Autumn Term learning. In maths we have been sorting objects and learning to write numbers correctly. In English we have begun looking at the story of Beegu by Alexis Deacon. We had some great fun making sculptures. Photos can be seen on our art gallery page. Home learning will begin from Monday 9th September. Children will all bring home a book but this will also be available on our class page.