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St Nicolas'

Church of England Combined School

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Our Christian Values

These are the Christian values that we feel are important to develop and promote a Christian life at St Nicolas’ School.


Friendship/Love – which will incorporate compassion, kindness, concern for others’ and love – Jesus said ‘love one another’


Thankfulness – gratitude to God and to each other – to include manners.


Peace – not just the absence of fighting but also inner calm and gentleness – also forgiveness.


Respect - respect for each other, respect for others’ differences (diversity), respect for our school building and teachers.


Honesty – to include fairness and justice  


Courage – to include endurance, perseverance and standing up for what we believe.


Each week, the assemblies and collective worship focus on these values. Each class has a values board outside their room and this is linked to a Bible story and scripture passage that illustrates the value. During the year, each class dramatises that Gospel story for the whole school.
