Curriculum Intent Statement
In line with our Vision, we aim to deliver a creative and stimulating curriculum to develop a love of learning, lifelong skills and prepare the children for future challenges.
You can find out more about the curriculum by speaking to your child's class teacher.
Information about the National Curriculum is available on the DfE website.
Our Accessibility Policy and Plan can be found under Key Information>>Policies.
Zones of Regulation
As a school we use The Zones of Regulation to understand our emotions. The Zones of Regulation is an approach used to support the development of self-regulation in children. All the different ways children feel and the states of alertness they experience are categorised into four coloured zones. Children who are well regulated are able to be in the appropriate zone at the appropriate time.
Growth Mindset
Everyone has a way of perceiving things. This is called having a mindset. We can look at what we can do in a way that makes us strong and positive or in a way that makes us feel frustrated, helpless and ready to give up.
Having a growth mindset helps us at St Nics’ to continually learn, keep trying, stick with challenges and grow even when we are finding learning tough.
The Learning Pit reminds us that it’s good to feel challenged by learning something new, and that making mistakes and having a go help us to move forward with our learning.