08:30 Gates are opened and children can make their way to their classroom.
08:45 Registration in class
09.00 to 09.20 Assembly
Morning lessons
10.40 to 11.00 Key Stage One Break (Class R, 1 and 2)
11.00 to 11.20 Key Stage Two Break (Classes 3,4,5 and 6)
Lessons continue
12.15 Lunch Break. First sitting is for Key Stage One, Second for Key Stage Two.
13.05 Return to Class.
Second registration is taken before lessons commence for the afternoon.
At - 15.15 End of school day for Reception & Year 1
At - 15.20 End of school day for Year 2 & 3
From - 15.25 End of school day for Year 4, 5 & 6
At the end of their school day the class teacher will lead the children to the green gates at the front of the school and release them to parents when they can be seen. Children are then expected to remain with the adult collecting them if waiting on the school site. The exception to this is year 6 children who have written permission to walk home.
Total class time per week
Reception & Year 1 = 32 Hours 30 minutes
Years 2 & 3 = 32 Hours 55 minutes
Years 4, 5 & 6 = 33 Hours 20 minutes
Monday - Singing Assembly: Led by Mrs Dobson
Tuesday - Class Assembly (see calendar for dates): Parents are invited to watch when their child's class is leading assembly, refreshments are available afterwards.
Wednesday - Christian Values: Led by the Headteacher
Thursday - Open the Book: see Community pages for more information.
Friday - Celebration Assembly: Where we present Star Awards and the House Cup along with other achievements such as passing music exams or certificates for activities outside of school.
KS1 and eligible FSM children are offered free hot meals or they can bring in their own packed lunch. Year 3 bring in packed lunch or have a pre-ordered/paid hot meal. Years 4, 5 & 6 bring in their own packed lunch. Lunch boxes are stored on trolleys (1 per class) under their class canopy. The children put their lunches on the trolleys in the morning before registration.
Items containing nuts MUST not brought into school. Children often have flasks with pasta or soup etc in the winter months. We encourage children to be able to open their lunches independently, but there are always staff on hand if they struggle sometimes.