Learning with Parents - our rationale
Our aim is to develop our children’s higher-order thinking and their ability to articulate their learning, develop ideas and vocabulary and learn how to challenge themselves with open-ended tasks. These are all key learning skills we teach in school and a pre-requisite for attainment, especially at greater depth.
Children learn best by talking and doing. The activities on Learning with Parents are designed to do just that. Tasks that are more open-ended and involve interaction with others develop more creative and independent thinking - which is what we want for our St Nic’s children as we prepare them for secondary school and later life. Talking about learning and explaining to others creates a higher retention of knowledge.
The chart represents the average retention rate of 7 learning activities that are split into 2 forms: passive and active learning.
Development of home learning
Thank you for your engagement with Learning with Parents so far. It has been running half a term and we have listened to feedback from teachers, parents and children. Now everyone is confident with it, we will be making adjustments in response to your feedback and developing our home learning as follows:
In addition to weekly home learning, there is an expectation that parents will support children on an ongoing basis with skills/knowledge noted in the ‘How can I support my child?’ part of their parents’ eve reports (eg handwriting).
Thank you to all those who attended the parent launch of Learning with Parents. The children have been very excited about their home learning, and are enjoying sharing the activities with you.
We hope you will find these slides from the presentation useful. They include contact details for technical help and FAQs.
For non-technical help, please contact your class teacher.