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Church of England Combined School

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We use a maths mastery programme to help with our teaching of maths. Please read here for weekly updates about mastering number.


8th July - This week’s activities are designed to allow ALL of the children to practise these key skills and to deepen their sense of number.

  • knowing that whole amounts can be split into parts
  • knowing that parts can be combined to make whole amounts, and that the whole is larger than each of its parts
  • knowing the ‘numbers within’ 3 (i.e. that 3 is composed of 2 and 1)
  • knowing the different ‘numbers within’ 4 and 5, and naming the parts that make the whole number (e.g. that 5 is composed of 4 and 1, and 3 and 2)
  • when shown a quantity to 5, saying how many are subsequently hidden under a cloth or bowl
  • knowing the different ‘numbers within’ 10, and naming the parts that make the whole number, e.g. that 10 is composed of 5 and 5, or 6 and 4
  • knowing doubles facts up to ‘5 and 5 make 10’.